Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about donating or fundraising for SCN2A Australia. If you have anymore questions please get in touch.


How can I personalise my fundraising page?

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Personalising your fundraising page is a great way to ensure your supporters feel connected to your fundraising and often encourages more and higher donations. You can personalise your page by adding a profile photo, sharing your story and making blog posts. Log into your dashboard using the email and password you registered with to make updates and personalise your page.

How can I send my fundraising to you?

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There are a few ways you can deposit your funds:

Online fundraising page – the easiest way to bank your funds is via your online fundraising page using a credit card.  

Bank transfer – the fundraising team can provide you with bank account details if you would like to deposit your funds via bank transfer.

Fundraising and the Law

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It is important to be abiding by all state and federal regulations when carrying out your fundraising activity. Please visit Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission for more information on registered charities or Australian Taxation Office for specific information on your state or territory.

Please also ensure all government COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines are adhered to when fundraising. Visit the Australian Government Department of Health website for the most up to date information.

Can people who make a donation at my event receive a tax deductible receipt?

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Donations on your online fundraising page will be automatically receipted to the email address provided when the donation was made.

If a tax deductible receipt is requested for a cash donation, you will need to provide the fundraising team with a record of the donation amount and donor contact details in order for Dementia Australia to provide individual receipts once you have banked the funds. Receipt books cannot be provided to fundraisers.

Tax deductible receipts are only provided when a donation has been made; raffles, auction items and other goods are not tax deductible.

Where do the funds I raise go?

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The funds raised will support our organisations mission of improving outcomes for families impacted by SCN2A. We align all our activites with our strategic plan by funding research, support services and resource development. 

Will SCN2A Australia help promote my event?

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We will endeavour to provide as much assistance as possible and may have the opportunity to provide social media and/or traditional media promotion.

Does SCN2A Australia provide public liability insurance?

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If the event you are hosting is a public event, generally you will require public liability insurance. Unfortunately, SCN2A Australia cannot provide you with this insurance for your event. This is something you will need to arrange yourself.


Is my donation tax deductible?

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SCN2A Australia is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) which means that donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia. 

Just remember to keep your receipt for taxation purposes. 

ABN 70 665 788 161 | ACN 665 788 161

I have lost my receipt. Can I get a replacement?

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Email us at info@scn2aaustralia.org with your name, phone number, address, donation date and amount and we will send you a replacement or be in touch.

How do I update my contact details and communication preferences?

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Email us at info@scn2aaustralia.org so that we can update your details.

How do I make changes to my monthly donations?

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Email us at info@scn2aaustralia.org so that we can update your monthly donation details.

What am I funding when I donate to SCN2A Australia?

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The funds raised will support our organisations mission of improving outcomes for families impacted by SCN2A. We align all our activites with our strategic plan by funding research, support services and resource development. 

How can I donate?

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Donate via credit card  
If you would like to donate by credit card you can donate securely online by clicking the button below.  

Donate now  

Make a direct deposit  

You can donate directly into SCN2A  Australia’s bank account. Please get in touch for details.

Can I make monthly donations? 

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Yes. Many of our donors opt to give an ongoing, monthly gift.
Just go to the Donate page, and select the monthly donate tab.

How do I donate in memory of a loved one?

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To honour the life of a loved one with a donation to SCN2A Australia you can email us at info@scn2aaustralia.org or donate securely online by clicking Donate